Senior Open Morning
Wednesday 19 March 2025
The Friends of the Cathedral School is a committee made up of parents and teachers from the School. They are responsible for organising and arranging social and fundraising activities. These activities are varied and diverse, including organising the Summer Fete, the Christmas Fayre, student discos and running bars at school productions. Events for parents such as wine tastings, lunches and balls are also organised.
The Friends have financially contributed towards a number of school initiatives including the stained glass window in The Lodge, wooden benches and playground equipment for the Juniors, the Junior Playground, flat screen TVs in the Sixth Form Centre and folders for the Choral Scholars.
Parent representatives from the Friends regularly receive news from the Pupil Fora to listen to pupil suggestions about activities and receive requests for funding.
The Friends meet two to three times per term to assist with the planning and organising of activities and to consider requests for funding for monies raised.
An Annual General Meeting is held in the Lent term and all parents are invited and most welcome to attend. The committee is established for the forthcoming year and a Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer & Secretary are elected at the following meeting. The Friends Committee is always open to the ideas and contributions that parents wish to make.
To contact The Friends, please email